Early voting is underway, with election day right around the corner. Texarkana, Arkansas is voting for City Director in Wards 1, 2, and 6. Each candidate wrote their own profile for Txk Today, so voters can learn a little about them and their reasons for running. These are the candidates for ward 6.
Terri Peavy
Hello, I am currently serving as City Director for Ward 6 in Texarkana, AR. I have lived in Texarkana for almost 40 years, helped raise two sons, taught school and have worked in the family business. I am a member of Beech St. Church.
My goals for the next four years are the same as they have been these last four years.
#1 To make myself available and listen to our citizens. Example – after listening to citizens’ concerns – we passed an ordinance that did away with chaining dogs in our city limits.
#2 To use common sense in the spending of our tax dollars and #3 To help foster a positive image of our city.
Looking back, I am proud of our accomplishments we have made or approved to be made for our city: The building of a new Animal Shelter, The remodeling of our former Boy’s & Girl’s Club to be used as a multipurpose community building, The new Entertainment District downtown, Our new Airport Terminal, Our entering into an agreement to purchase major acreage to attract new industry and the resurfacing of State Line.
And whether I am re-elected or not, I believe these accomplishments and improvements will stand the test of time. I want to thank everyone for their support and encouragement I have been shown.
Jeff Hart
Candidate for Texarkana Arkansas Board of Director’s – Ward 6
Married: Kristi Waldrum Hart (31 yrs)
Graduate of Arkansas High School
Graduate of Texas A & M – Texarkana Master’s in Business Administration
1 of 300 Zig Ziglar Certified Motivational Trainer/Speakers in the world
Business Experience:
Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Motivational Speaking and Coaching, Acquisitions, Executive Teams, Instructor, Financial Planning and Analysis (Fortune 500 Company)
What I would like to accomplish:
1. Address Street Repair, drainage, and Maintenance. This would be a manageable plan that would work within budget and resource planning.
2. Provide oversight on every tax dollar spent. Spend money wisely! Accountability to the citizens is a priority for me! The citizens should always be made aware of the decisions facing the Board.
3. Economic development. We have to be creative and work with the Regional initiative on attracting new businesses.
My pledge as City Director of Ward 6:
Accountability, Transparency, and Availability. I believe in teamwork with other Directors, City Staff, and Business leaders.
I love Texarkana Arkansas and want to contribute my service to making it even better!