High School Students Can Now Register for Fall Concurrent Classes at U of A Hope-Texarkana Online


Because of school closures due to COVID-19, high school students haven’t been able to register for concurrent classes in the traditional manner, so the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana has set up an online registration method for potential students. Concurrent credit is an excellent way for high school students to earn both college credit and high school credit simultaneously.

High school students can register for fall semester concurrent classes online at the following links:

Arkansas High: https://forms.gle/pmW33PUh3mmp6wrp7
Fouke: https://forms.gle/Vfs2fDC8RwHdp27E8
Genoa: https://forms.gle/wWYRUB4CieAYgNPAA
Hope: https://forms.gle/bBMBV12BmyZSk3tG9
Prescott: https://forms.gle/uUFgbWHYZsZowD4V7
Spring Hill: https://forms.gle/XDXmkCAU8hswyDxD8
Trinity: https://forms.gle/Si4dfpprW5XQZdK66
Other School Not Listed: https://forms.gle/bqkwXC39hcG1LeUs9

There is no cost to register. For more information, contact Dr. Ashli Dykes, Concurrent Credit Coordinator, at 870-722-8267 or ashli.dykes@uaht.edu.

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