Liberty-Eylau ISD leaders passed a Resolution on Equity at a recent board meeting. The resolution serves to further cement the dedication to creating a learning environment that is welcoming and effective for all students. It is signed by all LEISD School Board members and Superintendent Ronnie Thompson.
“Our nation is in the midst of some of the most divisive and uncharted situations we have had in a long time,” said LEISD Board President Trevelyan Hodge. “As a school, we should help lead the way in ensuring that every student and staff member learns and works in a district that values each of them individually.”
The two-page document highlights some of the commitments and core beliefs that the District will make both now and in the future to ensure equity.
It also recognizes some of the factors that have and continue to affect students outside of school and highlights how relationships with other area institutions help to alleviate the negative effects of those factors.
“Each day we show up ready to meet every student where they are,” said LEISD Superintendent Ronnie Thompson. “Our mission and vision as a school have not changed. The guiding principles of this resolution are not new. This just represents a renewed dedication to them, and a collective determination to do the best we can for every Liberty-Eylau student.”
The resolution includes a call to action that reads THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Liberty-Eylau Independent School District Board of Trustees and Superintendent of Schools on this 20th day of August 2020 will relentlessly pursue systemic improvements to policies, programs, and practices in ways that eliminate inequities; ensure educational success for every racial, ethnic, and demographically diverse group of students; and enrich the lives of all children in the Liberty-Eylau Independent School District.
A link to the entire resolution can be found HERE.
The district also recently completed an analysis of employee demographics. That data can be found HERE.