Jessica Bilbo, the Library Media Specialist at Harmony Leadership Academy, was recently named an Arkansas Teacher of the Year Regional Finalist. The Arkansas Department of Education announced the thirteen state finalists in a media release on Friday, July 15.
Mrs. Bilbo has fourteen years of experience, all with the Texarkana Arkansas School District. As the Library Media Specialist of Harmony Leadership Academy, Mrs. Bilbo strives to provide a library that is engaging and transformative.
“Mrs. Bilbo is passionate about reading and our students. Her passion led her to build a portable library to take around to all of the classrooms during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure students continued to have access to the books they love and enjoy,” commented Dr. Becky Kesler, Superintendent of Schools.
As a regional finalist, Mrs. Bilbo will receive a cash award in the amount of $1,000. All finalists will be recognized on August 4 at the Governor’s Mansion. At that time, four state semi-finalists will be announced.