As you make plans to celebrate Independence Day with family and friends, LifeShare Blood Center urges you to include donating blood in your plans. United We Give is an annual LifeShare tradition encourage donors to be mindful of our community blood supply needs. Everyone who participates in United We Give will receive a LifeShare “United We Give” t-shirt, a $10 gift card from Raising Cane’s, or a free $10 gift card from Mad House 101 (in El Dorado, AR location only).
Local hospitals depend on blood supply to be maintained at all times. LifeShare struggles to keep up with demand of blood products in the summer. United We Give aims to bring awareness to the need for blood products this summer. LifeShare is happy to have Raising Cane’s, KSLA, and Mad Hose 101 as sponsors for United We Give. With the support of these local businesses donors will receive various gifts as a ‘thank you’ for their life-saving donation. 1 in 3 people will use blood at some point in their lives. To maintain the blood for families in need, the community must unite in support of blood donation.