The Sportsplex by Healthcare Express is hosting its second annual The Best Chili in Texarkana Chili Cook-off on February 5th from 12 pm to 3 pm, benefitting the Texas Association of First Responders. The event will be held on the campus of The Sportsplex at 5610 Richmond Road in Texarkana, TX.
Love to cook? Join the competition! Entries are $25 each and spaces are limited. Click the Eventbrite ticket link and purchase a ticket as a competitor to reserve your space. A $300 grand prize will be awarded to the entry voted the best chili!
Love to eat? Come out and enjoy the fun! Only $5 per ticket and you’ll get to sample from each of our contestants. Click the Eventbrite ticket link and purchase an admission ticket.
Chili Cook-Off Rules
1. Ingredients must be pre-cooked prior to the commencement of the official cook-off. Meat may be treated, pre-cut, or ground, but must be cooked. Each contestant is solely responsible to make sure that no ingredient is undercooked and/or that there is no risk of food born illness.
2. The cooking period must occur within 24 hours of the event. Chili must be brought and kept in a crockpot or warming container that will be placed for entry by 12:30 PM. Contestants should bring an extension cord with them in case that is needed.
3. Each contestant must cook a gallon (four quarts) of chili (one regular crockpot).
4. Contestants are responsible for submitting a contestant entry form. The contestant must prepare chili using their own selected recipe and ingredients. Contestants may bring garnish for their chili.
5. Each contestant will be assigned a contestant’s number by the Chief Scorekeeper and given five (5) sampling cups to fill and submit to the judges. Each contestant verifies that the number on the bottom of their cup is the same as their assigned contestant number. Each contestant is responsible for delivering their sample cups, which must be filled to the cup’s lower rim, to the judging area at the official time for judging.
6. The Sportsplex will provide:
– disposable bowls
– utensils
– napkins
– Power for crockpots, etc.
– Trash cans
– Drinks/Cups
Last entry will be taken at 12:00 pm on February 4th, 2021.
Chili is blind judged on Aroma, Eye Appeal, Taste, and Overall Satisfaction.