The Texarkana Arkansas Police Department released the following information concerning traffic, safety, and security measures planned by the Texarkana Arkansas Police Department and Fairgrounds security for the 2016 Fair:
It is recommended non fair traffic avoid Four States Parkway Drive( formerly loop 245), during peak hours drivers will experience delays at the intersection of Arkansas Boulevard/Four States Fair Parkway Drive and Interstate I30/Four States Fair Parkway Drive.
Due to the new roadway configuration, access to the fairgrounds will be limited. Patrons will enter the fairgrounds via U of A Way (formerly East 54th Street) from Parkway Dr. and E. 46th Street from Parkway Dr. Drivers who wish to drop off patrons should arrive via U of A Way, drop off and continue westbound on E. 50th St to Parkway Dr. E. 50th Street will only accommodate westbound exiting traffic while the fair is in operation. Also, vehicle traffic exiting the fairgrounds will be allowed to access E 50th to Parkway Dr. Barricades will be in place blocking access into the fairgrounds on E. 50 during normal fair operating hours. The Four States Fair will provide personnel to direct incoming vehicles on where to park once they have entered the parking areas of the fairgrounds. All drivers need to be attentive to officers working on the roadway directing traffic and expect long delays at peak times. Additionally, leave early for any scheduled events to ensure on time arrival. Anyone who parks outside of designated parking areas such as Bobby Ferguson park will assume the risk of becoming blocked in and unable to leave. Parking in nondesignated areas is strictly at your own risk. Resources ARE NOT available to move parked cars blocking egress inside the park.
In order to deter theft, authorities urge all patrons to make sure that no purses or bags are left inside a parked vehicle. Patrons should also ensure that their vehicle doors are locked and valuables are secured in the trunk before entering the Fairgrounds. TAPD also suggests that patrons take the extra time necessary to arrive early and park in the Main Lot nearest the Rodeo Arena. This parking lot will be patrolled by security and is well lit.
TAPD’s goal each year is to make the fair a family oriented event. Police Officers will have a zero tolerance attitude with persons intending to cause trouble inside and outside the fair.
Officers will again be enforcing the city curfew ordinance during the Fair. According to TAPD, the curfew applies to children under the age of 18. The city curfew begins at 11pm Sunday through Thursday and midnight on Friday and Saturday nights. This means that after the curfew hour children under the age of 18 must be in the immediate company of a parent or guardian while on the Fairgrounds property. Any juvenile that is not in the company of an adult after the set curfew hours is subject to be ticketed for curfew violation.
Pursuant to Fair Association Rules, all persons entering the Fairgrounds property are subject to be scanned by metal detectors. In addition to this, all bags are subject to be searched by Fairgrounds security, for weapons and contraband. Due to this it is strongly recommended that large bags and purses not be brought to the Fairgrounds. Consolidate belongings into small handbags if necessary.
No sagging pants are allowed inside the Fairgrounds. Persons with sagging pants will not be allowed inside or will be escorted off the premises.
No large groups of unsupervised teens will be allowed to run rampant or widespread. These groups, when unsupervised, tend to develop unruly behavior and cause panic among other fair goers.
No weapons are allowed and violators will be arrested.
If children of any age are dropped off and left unattended, parents should ensure that the child has emergency instructions and parent contact information available. Make sure that an adult can be reached at all times while children are attending the Fair.
TAPD also reminds the public that when an individual is banned from the Fairgrounds, the banning remains on that person indefinitely. If that individual is later located on Fairgrounds property, they will be issued a citation or arrested for criminal trespassing. People who have been previously banned from the Fairgrounds and would like to receive consideration to have the banning removed may contact the Fair office at 903-773-2941.
These measures have been put in place to provide the safest environment possible for visitors to the Fair. The Texarkana Arkansas Police Department hopes that everyone will have a safe time while at the Fair. Officers will be on foot inside the Fairgrounds, so feel free to approach them with any questions or concerns.