The Fort Worth District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has closed some of its facilities at Wright Patman Lake that began on Sept. 2 to conduct routine maintenance operations.
“Dewatering is necessary to conduct scheduled routine maintenance of the stilling basin,” said Emmitt Attaway, the Piney Woods Region’s Environmental Stewardship Business Line Manager.
According to Attaway, the Corps conducts maintenance on its stilling basins every 10 years.
To facilitate maintenance operations, the Highway 59 Boat Ramp with access to the Sulphur River below Wright Patman Dam has been closed from Sept. 2 through the duration of the project which is anticipated to be complete by the end of the month.
Additionally, the Wright Patman Lake spillway was closed on Sept. 6 for the duration of maintenance.
For further information, please contact the Wright Patman Lake Office at 903-838-8781.
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