Texarkana College Receives Gift for Angela Kay Wall Memorial Scholarship


The family of Angela Kay Wall presented a $50,000 check to the Texarkana College Foundation for the Angela Kay Wall Memorial Scholarship last week at a family luncheon held in the Patman Room of the Truman Arnold Center. This scholarship will cover full tuition and fees for a nursing student each year. The first scholarship will be awarded in Fall 2023. The check was presented by members of the family who gathered to celebrate Angie’s memory.

Angie graduated from Texarkana College’s Associate Degree Nursing program with honors in May 1996. Her 20-year-career as a registered nurse was spent in hospitals, home health, and hospice in the Ark-La-Tex area, but it was ultimately in hospice where she found her true calling. With the Angela Kay Wall Nursing Scholarship, the family hopes to make it possible for others to find their own unique calling in this noble profession.

“The Angela Kay Wall Memorial Scholarship will promote higher education in our community and has provided for an endowed scholarship that will benefit students for years to come,” said Katie Andrus, Executive Director of the TC Foundation. “We are so grateful to this family’s vision to memorialize their loved one in a way that will have a lasting impact on future generations of nurses.”

For additional information or to make a donation, please contact Katie Andrus at (903) 823-3125 or katie.andrus@texarkanacollege.edu.

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