Brian Goesl, DeAnna Laney Craytor, Judy Jones, Robin Proctor, Lynn Whitt, and Mary Jane Orr pose with a check for $135,000 that was donated to TRAHC from Women For the Arts.
Proctor, co-chair of Party with Picassos, explained why this donation is so important for the community of Texarkana.
“WFA is thankful for the strong community support and generosity for Party with Picassos! The hard work and dedication of our committees, artists and celebrities are the perfect combination for a great fun filled week. This is vital for the growth of the arts in Texarkana and we are extremely excited to present this $135,000.00 check to TRAHC. It’s donations like this that make our summer programs possible. Wheels are already turning for 2018, and we are hoping to continue this upward trend.”
If you would like to join WFA, or find out more information about Party With Picassos, please visit: WFA

(Photo by Erin Rogers | TXK Today)