Two Redwater High School Art Students Headed to State Competition; Nineteen Superior Ratings Earned by Art Students during Regional VASE Contest


Two Redwater High School art students are headed to the state competition following their recent success at the Region 8 Visual Arts Scholastic Event (VASE) held in Paris, TX. Additionally, the school garnered 19 Superior Ratings among 11 other competing students.

The competition included 300 students representing 13 school districts. Eighteen were selected to advance to state, with two being from Redwater High School. Headed to the state competition in late-April in San Marcos, TX are: Josh Newsome, whose art piece was a prismacolor self-portrait entitled “me” and Karle Williams who presented a color photograph capturing the joy and innocence of a student participating in the Redwater Elementary School “Color Run.”
Students earning two (2) individual Superior Ratings were: Hannah Boddye, Maci Martin, Shania Maugham, Jaylee McClure, Lillianna McMurrian, Cambria McWilliams, Makenzee Minter and Shailyn Quillin.

Receiving one (1) individual Superior Rating were: Stephen Bolster, Gracie McCoy and Tiffiny Reed.

Redwater High School art teacher is Carrie Slay. The photography teacher is Tabitha Houchens.
VASE celebrated its 25th Anniversary in 2019. The first VASE event was held in 1994 with just over 400 student entries; after 25 years, VASE entries number around 35,000. Students create artworks, write about their creative processes and understanding of visual art, and articulate information about their artwork during an interview with a VASE juror, who evaluates their work using a standards-based rubric.

Jurors evaluate the student artwork using the following standard: Rating 4 Superior; Rating 3 Excellent; Rating 2 Average; and Rating 1 Below Average. Students compete on four different experience levels depending on the credits in art that the student has received at the time of the regional event.

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