On Wednesday, March 11, highly sought-after motivational speaker Reggie Dabbs will be the special guest at the Texarkana Arkansas School District Family Night.
Dabbs has been speaking to students in public schools for the past 30 years. Many people have called him the top Public School Speaker in America and every year he speaks to millions of teenagers.
“Today’s generation is facing unparalleled hurts, pressures and choices. If we can heal those hurts, help in times of pressure and equip students in their choices, we will have better students and a positive school atmosphere,” Dabbs states.
Born to an unwed teenager, Dabbs considers himself fortunate to be alive. Raised by foster parents, Dabbs understands what it is like for kids who are struggling with adversity. He talks to kids about family and how thankful they should be that they have families. Most of all, Dabbs drives home the fact that, “You can never change your past, but you can change your future!”
Prior to speaking during the district-wide Family Night, Dabbs will visit each campus* to talk with students about the choices each of them has when faced with drugs, alcohol, suicide, etc.
Family Night Special Guest Reggie Dabbs North Heights Junior High School 2118 E. 35th Street Texarkana, AR March 11, 2020, 5:30 p.m.