1st Annual Spring Sale ‘Soft Opening’ for The Greenhouse at Opportunities, Inc.


Opportunities, Inc. is partnering with H&N Landscaping and Nursery to hold its 1st Annual Spring Sale open to the public on Friday, May 10th, 12:30-3:30 and Saturday, May 11th, 9:00-2:00, just in time to grab something special for Mother’s Day! The sale will be at ‘The Greenhouse at Opportunities’ located at 6101 N. State Line Avenue.

Growing more than a greenhouse! The Greenhouse at Opportunities allows clients who are employed to not only learn and develop new skills related to growing plants and vegetables, but also allows them to strengthen their confidence along the way!

The Greenhouse also allows clients who are employed to give back to our community by sharing their sense of purpose that they’re doing something greater than themselves by helping in a unique and valuable way and selling the fruit of their labor.

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