MAGNOLIA, AR (10/09/2014)(readMedia)– Joseph Walker, of Texarkana, Texas, was recently honored with the distinction to serve on the Southern Arkansas University 2014 Homecoming Court.
Walker is a senior Biological Science major. On campus, Joseph is a member of Student Government Association, Sigma Pi Fraternity, Biology Club, Chemistry Club, Pre-Health Club, Resident Assistant for Greene Hall, and the Internal Review Board
Selection to the Homecoming Court is an honor. This year, 51 student organizations nominated one of their representatives to be considered for the Court. The 51 nominees convened for a group interview with a committee of faculty and staff. Based on a point system that took into account GPA, an essay by the nominee, campus involvement and the group interview, the nominees were narrowed down to the top 10 men and top 10 women. Individual interviews commenced, from which the top five men and top five women were selected for the Court.
Walker willl make several appearances with the rest of the Homecoming Court during homecoming week, and will be presented at the homecoming Mulerider football game at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 18, 2014, at SAU’s Wilkins Stadium. Southern Arkansas University offers the complete college experience. To find out more, visit