Martha and Josh Morriss Math and Engineering Elementary has been listed as Texas’s #2 elementary school in the inaugural U.S. News and World Report Best Elementary School rankings. Morriss has also been ranked as Texas’s #2 elementary magnet school.
These rankings of 4,393 Texas elementary schools scored Morriss at 99.95/100. Ranking factors included proficiency in math and reading, state assessment scores, and socioeconomic demographics. Each school was ranked in the different areas and scored from 1 – 100 in each area. Morriss was scored in the 99+ percentile based on these factors.
U.S. News and World Report states, “[T]he top-ranked schools are all high achieving and have succeeded at educating all their students.”
Morriss principal Lauren Pilgreen adds, “This is an unbelievable honor for Morriss! The ranking exemplifies the hard work and dedication that our teachers, students, and parents put into our school every day! We are beyond grateful to be recognized.”