November 2023 TISD Board of Trustees Meeting Features Approval of $600,000 Toward Teacher Retention Bonuses


The Texarkana ISD Board of Trustees approved the use of $600,000 worth of federal stimulus funding to provide teacher retention bonuses during their November 16, 2023, regular meeting.

The federal ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) Fund allows for the use of these funds to aid schools in supporting teacher retention. The 2023-2024 TISD Compensation Plan included a $1,000 ESSER Teacher Retention bonus for this school year. “We have outstanding teachers in TISD. We are thrilled that the availability of ESSER funds makes it possible to honor and celebrate their work with students in this way this year.” said Dr. Doug Brubaker, Superintendent of Schools.
Other items reviewed and approved included the following:

*Approval of Audit Report for FY 2022-2023. Auditors from the firm of Thomas & Thomas, LLP issued an unmodified opinion on TISD’s accounting procedures and determined that the District continues to maintain sound financial practices. For the 2022-23 fiscal year, TISD ended with a fund balance of $14.5 million;

*Approval of Texas High School Program of Studies and Course Description Guide for 2024-25. These recommendations include the addition of Career & Technology Education courses designed to provide students with more options to complete a Program of Study.
Reports reviewed:

*Professional Development update. A review of professional development (PD) programs offered by TISD for the 2023-24 school year was given. All PD programs are designed to support district goals.
The next meeting for the TISD Board of Trustees will be Wednesday, December 13, 2023.

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