Leadership Texarkana is pleased to host a Non-Profit Leadership Gathering on Wednesday, March 30, in partnership with Texarkana College. It will be held in the Truman Arnold Center Ballroom at Texarkana College, with no cost for participation.
The Non-Profit Leadership Gathering is designed for any individuals who are currently serving–or who have a desire to serve–as staff or volunteer leaders on outstanding NonProfit Leadership Teams generating outstanding outcomes for our community.
The half day program offers opportunities for growing the internal capacity of existing non- profit leadership teams as well as the opportunity to connect for non-profit organizations to committed community leaders interested in board service, including:
8:30 – 9:30 Coffee and Conversation: An opportunity for established, successful NonProfit Executive Directors to share personal perspectives on effective board leadership – What does it look like? How does one achieve it? …measure it?
10AM-12Noon: Casual Connections: Time and opportunity for current NonProfit Leaders (board or staff) to connect with service-minded individuals, to compare interests and opportunities.
12Noon – 1:30PM. Lunch / Pondering Possibilities An interactive Strategic doing-inspired conversation for all NP Leaders (NP board or staff leaders) – putting heads together to ponder the possibilities for an imagined future around the following appreciative question: Imagine Txk USA was developing non-profit leadership teams which produced consistent, superlative outcomes which were second to none… What would that capacity look like?
Assumptions Leadership Texarkana has made in planning the NonProfit Leadership Gathering:
As with any business…
Leadership is the key to NP success
Leadership teams of NPs include both staff and volunteer leaders/ directors
NPs vary widely in their form and function, largely related to stage of organizational evolution
BUT – that there are principles of best practice common to all NPs.
Non-Profit organizations are businesses – as much as any business, but there are differences in the knowledge, skills, capacities, attitudes for leading NPs vs FOR Profit businesses.
Just as professional development for staff is key to developing teams in any workplace, there are skills, capacities, attitudes, knowledge which can be developed to add to the leadership strength of a non-profit.
The Non-Profit Leadership Gathering is one of the Leadership Frameworks programs of Leadership Texarkana; sponsoring partners for LT’s Leadership Frameworks are Guaranty Bank and Trust and Wadley Regional Medical Center.