Flower Acres Baptist Church in conjunction with East Texas Food Bank
has a produce truck arriving on Monday, April 6th at 3000 Flower Acres Drive, Texarkana Tx.
Distribution is open to the public.
The truck’s exact arrival time is pending. FABC will have updates on their Facebook page.
- Loading in trunks and back hatches only
- No loading can occur through car windows, passenger side doors, or van sliding doors.
- Do not block driveways and clean out your trunk
- Do not roll down your window on FABC property
- Wear a mask or scarf
- FABC has to limit their exposure for everyone’s safety and to be in compliance with CDC guidelines.
- No exceptions.
70,000 lbs of food was distributed free of charge last week in over 1000 cars, according to Billy Luplow, Associate Pastor at Flower Acres Baptist Church.
The normal produce pick-up days are on the second and fourth Monday, every month.